Outside The Walls, is a ministry without walls, we are a faith-based 501(c) 3 non-profit organization birthed out of the labor of Great Is Thy Faithfulness Prison Ministries founded in 1998 by Yvette Madkins, ​The Prison systems is where she labored most of her journey in ministry; she has touched countless lives within the Juvenile Hall and Prisons all over the world. She is the loving mother of 3 children and 4 grandchildren. She is dedicated to doing God’s Heartbeat “Soul-Winning”, her drive is to look beyond the faults of individuals and strive to meet their everyday needs as well as nurture their spiritual wellbeing. She has served to embrace people of all backgrounds with unconditional love, she strives to do her part to reach 1 life at a time 1 day at a time with God's leading.
Special THANK you to my Pastor & Spiritual Mother Pastor Tamara Bennett and Elder Quintin Bennett who covers me in prayer, I Thank them for their Godly wisdom and council, most of all I Thank God for allowing them to be the Spiritual Shepherd over my life.
Is to preach the uncompromising word of God as we rescue “Troubled Youth”, adults and families in the Sacramento area from the revolving door of incarceration (Juvenile Hall, County, State & Federal facilities), violence, exploitation, and crime found in their relationships, neighborhoods and home environments, we seek to restore family values, parental confidence and strengthen family bonds. We desire to reach, teach and disciple every person that responds to the call to CHANGE.
• Break the cycle of poverty and dependence, unleash potential in individuals in crisis to improve their quality of life and enrich the lives of them and their families, one family at a time.
• Bring awareness to the community and parents
• See about Youth/Adults who are incarcerated and those that are re-entering back into society
• Train core volunteers to assist with S.O.S. youth & family groups
• GREAT Is Thy Faithfulness Prison Ministry
• High impact Religious Services
• Community Outreach
• Offer Court Approved Anger Management, Parenting and Domestic Violence services
• Parent and Youth Support Groups
• Feed the homeless
Did you know that 89% of people who live in the Sacramento area do not attend church? GITF/OTW is passionate about reducing that number through connecting individuals & families a local church of their faith/belief. In addition, thousands of families are in the midst of economic crisis including homelessness, and abandonment. Human trafficking gang-related violence and unsafe neighborhoods are prevalent. It’s time we turn our faith to action!
With volunteer support and charitable donations G.I.T.F. & O.T.W. is on a mission to be a “Ministry without Walls” designed to introduce the life-transforming love of Christ through creating project, special events, community partnerships and neighborhood outreaches that will impact the entire family and community.
We are committed to ministering to the entire man (Spirit, Soul and Body), we strive to inspire and instill within people the desire to fulfill their potential in life with the sense of dignity, belonging and destiny. We work cooperatively with others of mutual purpose in accomplishing the task before us.
G.I.T.F. Ministries/Outside The Walls (OTW) is committed to year-round ministering the word of Jesus Christ, reunifying families, restoring family values back into the home, feeding, clothing the unhoused and seeing about the less fortunate, “Troubled Youth”, Prison Ministry, Community Outreaches, O.T.W. inspires and instills within people the desire to fulfill their potential in life with a sense of dignity, belonging, and destiny. We work cooperatively with others of mutual purpose in accomplishing the task before us.
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